Quick, functional, good looking settings and menus with keyboard and controller navigation done in only 3 hours.

Fun and juicy level end UI.
PC (Jam Game)
Developed core systems and UI as the team lead for the GMTK Jam 2023 - Theme: Roles Reversed.
In this puzzle platformer, you take the role of Barry, and must place pots in the dungeon to please your boss and hopefully avoid any future "pot break" incidents that the unruly heroes seem to cause so often.
Skills: UI programming and design, game design, team work, quick turnover, controls.
- Samuel Reinhart - Co-Lead, UI Programming and Design, and Systems Programmer
- David Carranza - Co-Lead, CCC Programmer, Modeler, and Level Designer
- Jefferson Jo - Project Coordinator and Lead UI/Graphic Artist
- Kenny Plucker- Sound Effects
- JT Manning - Additional Programming, Modeling, Level Assistance, and Balancing
- Joe Rouverol - VFX and Textures
Music attributed to Alex McCulloch under Public Domain via OpenGameArt.org.
Art below by Jefferson Jo (Nachostar)