Hey, I'm Sam.
I'm a Unity Developer, game designer, and Artist.
"I am currently seeking work as a Gameplay Engineer and Unity Generalist. My main strengths are in systems programming, narrative design, and game feel adjustments."
If you found your way here, I'll cut to the chase and give you the spiel. I have always been passionate about games and fantastic worlds, and have wanted to be deeply involved in creating them. Over the years, that target has shifted, from games to books, to movies, and back to games. Through it all, I've never given up on that core tenet: I want to make art that speaks to people, in whatever way I can. I am currently working as a Unity developer through contracts.
Outside of that, I do commissions as an artist, and write films, and am currently working on my first development project for commercial release in the form of Smenk with an aim to release in 2023.
For background, I attended the DigiPen Institute of Technology for everything except a degree. I went there for summer camps for eight years through the ProjectFUN program, attended WaNIC high school classes there, and have taught there for over half a decade through the ProjectFUN and Academy Programs.
During this time, I studied independently in C# and Unity Development, Graphic Design, and Video Editing.